Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Season's End: Who's Counting Anyway

It’s strange how in May the summer days stretch out before me, endless, like a 1000 page diary waiting to be written in, but in September, it feels as though it all passed in the blink of an eye.

I feel like I packed so much into the summer: the Ohio trip, Wazee weekend, and northern Wisconsin, not to mention the trips to Pearl Lake and Haigh Quarry. In all I’ve logged 50 dives this summer, but I have to ask myself, come November, will it be enough?  Will I make it on pool dives until we dive in the clear warm waters of Curacao in January?  Can I live vicariously through National Geographic specials and old Sea Hunt episodes?

We set an aggressive schedule and dived it hard, and yet, I still want to squeeze out a few more dives before the dry season comes. We’re hitting Pearl today and Haigh again next weekend to finish up a Rescue Diver and Night Diver specialty.  I added two more trips to Pearl before they close for the season, and of course open water pumpkin carving on October 5th

I always think, when sitting outside on a particularly beautiful day, that it would be wonderful if only I could scoop up some of that warmth, that sunshine, that feeling of well-being and store it in a jar to take out in the heart of winter.  It’s the same with my dives. Alas, this sort of happy day storage is not possible, so I am stuck simply making as many memories as I can to use a bridge to the next time I can splash into the water, float weightlessly, and blow bubbles.

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